Happy Holidays from Copper Post and True Story Films!
From our family to yours…
Inspired by Robert Charles Howe’s 1973 “Waltons” homage of Norman Rockwell’s original 1943 illustration “Freedom From Want”, the True Story and Copper Post family recreated this piece of Americana once again for the 2013 holiday season.
A creative workplace can feel a lot like spending time with relatives. In fact, frustrating each other is one of the many blessings of the creative process…Especially in close quarters for hours on end. We tackle design challenges, critique each others work and band together to find the best solution. But at the end of the day we’ve got each others backs. Sounds like a family to us.
The “Waltons” Saturday Morning Post illustration seemed like the perfect image to capture how we feel during the holidays. Balancing work and play, while cherishing the good times reminds us why we, like the “Waltons”, love to come together this time of year.
Before and After:
Led by Copper Post designer JJ Chalupnik, we lit and photographed each team member to match the original as closely as possible before JJ sat down for hours of meticulous digital retouching to bring it all together.
Thanks for stopping by and from the family at True Story Films and Copper Post, we wish you the happiest of holidays and a Happy New Year!
Posted in: Blog