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Case Study:
Introducing Miracle Mint

Miracle Mint came to us with an exciting new consumer product and a willingness to try something different to support their national launch into a saturated energy and weight loss market. It was a new venture for us creatively and artistically and we appreciated their trust in us along the way. 

With a short timeline to execute the spot, we got down to work quickly. We collaborated with our partners at True Story Films to develop a fully animated, character driven concept that pushed us from our comfort zone. It was a challenge we were eager to take on.  

We knew initially that this spot needed to catch attention, be informative and stand out. Our demographic was large, our message contained a lot of content, so there was a design challenge to get everything out properly. We also had to be very smart in our execution to be able to make the tight deadline. Much of the 3D was designed and rendered out right as the project got started and kept very minimal. 3D Compositing, 2D artwork and most of the “bells and whistles” were reserved for the second half of the project. 2D Character animations were created from the start as we were tackling a new approach using IK chain controls in After Effects.
I think taking a simplistic, fun, clean approach in the design helped the content take center stage. I truly did enjoy waking up every morning knowing I had this project on my plate and especially knowing I had such a great team behind me to see it through.  Just think if we had one more week!  Like Lenny says, “It’s not done, it’s due”.

Niki Kizer



130117 MiracleMint Animatic v008 wMusic-720p Vimeo from copperpost on Vimeo.

3D Before and After


2D Character Design


2D Character Rigging and Painting


MM RunCycle NoComp-720p Vimeo from copperpost on Vimeo.

Introducing Miracle Mint

“Introducing Miracle Mint” from Copper Post on Vimeo.


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